Last Updated On: 5 August 2020

Pain Management Specialists Work Can Spearhead a Multi-Disciplined Approach to Personal Injury Recovery 

Pain management specialists are experts in their ability to relieve physical suffering and improve the quality of life for their patients. Treatments typically include a plan to reduce, relieve and manage pain caused by a personal injury or job-related accident. Pain management professionals come from a wide variety of disciplines, from anesthesiologists to oncologists, surgical specialists to physical therapists. They work alongside many types of medical doctors, as well as chiropractors and acupuncturists, to help patients return to a pain-free life.

Pain management doctors begin with an examination to identify the injury and determine its severity. They may use diagnostic tools such as imaging studies to learn more about the patient’s condition.

With a comprehensive understanding of an injury, the pain management doctor will then create a specialized treatment plan. Common injuries they help include:

  • Whiplash, when the head abruptly moves forward or backward, causing the  neck to over- or hyper-extend.
  • Strained ligaments, when the stress of an injury causes a tear or other damage to the bands of tissues that connect bones.
  • Herniated disc, when a soft disc between the bones in the spinal vertebrae slips out of place.
  • Spondylolisthesis, when a bone in the spinal vertebrae slips out of place.

Even if your client isn’t suffering from any of the above, it may be a good idea for them to consult with a pain management specialist since it’s common for symptoms to appear days — or even weeks — after an accident. By beginning treatment promptly, your client’s pain will be relieved more quickly and the original injury will not be exacerbated. 

Power Liens works with the best pain management specialists working on personal injury liens in the state of California. Check out one of our Preferred Providers below:

Remedy Medical Group

Remedy Medical Group has locations in San Francisco and San Mateo! Their physicians and patient services staff understand that patient health and wellness begins today. Additionally, their medical team has been selected and organized in order to effectively practice all aspects of Pain Management, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Orthopedic Surgery. At Remedy, they provide diagnosis, medication management, interventional care, patient education, as well as alternative remedies.

They provide top-of-the-line medical solutions and convenient services, such as: 

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 
  • Ulnar Neuropathy at the wrist or elbow 
  • Pinched Nerve (Cervical Radiculopathy) 
  • Brachial Plexus Injury 
  • Radial Neuropathy 
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome 
  • Myopathy (Muscle Weakness) 
  • Muscular Dystrophy 
  • Myofascial Referred Pain

They’re trustworthy, convenient, and they’ll share patients’ medical reports and billing with their attorneys within 24 hours!