Last Updated On: 22 November 2016

How a Dentist Can Further Your Personal Injury Case

In a personal injury case, if a client has broken, chipped or otherwise damaged their teeth in an accident, a dentist may be required to evaluate their losses and provide treatment. This is crucial for the patient’s well-being as well as the outcome of the case.

The extent of the patient’s damages is the critical deciding factor in valuing a personal injury claim. A dentist on lien ensures that the patient gets the appropriate treatment even if he cannot afford payment up front, or in the worst case, at all. In this commitment to work on a lien, the physician in this case gets paid after the case is settled in court no matter the verdict. This lien or a promise is signed by all three parties – the attorney, the doctor and the patient.

Here’s what a dentist can do to facilitate a personal injury case:

• In a personal injury case where the victim has faced severe damage to the teeth and requires immediate dental assistance, a dentist assists from initial evaluation and treatment to preparing the final report.
• In the initial evaluation, the dentist observes the intensity of the injuries. This determines the extent of the injury and after this is the treatment plan can be prepared.
• The dentist then estimates the approximate amount of time that it will take to treat the patient and what procedures will be necessary.
• Finally, the dentist creates a detailed documentation of the treatment, including the initial evaluation, observations, treatment and every detail about each visit.

A detailed deposition is then prepared for the attorney to submit in court. With the right physician, the documentation is very detailed and clear, making it easy for the attorney to present in the court to assist his client’s case.

Unlike a usual trip to the dentist, the physician is not paid upfront in a personal injury case. After the personal injury or workers’ compensation case is settled in court, the attorney and the dentist are paid from the compensation received. This process can make it difficult to find a dentist willing to take a lien; however, there is a solution.

Power Liens is the largest online directory of doctors who work on lien basis. If you are an attorney looking for a dentist to assist you on your next personal injury doctors or workers’ compensation case, all you need to do is to search our database by specialty and location. Then, simply select the dentist you wish to work with and call them to make an appointment!